As of today, , the exchange rate of one US Dollar in the Naira Black Market is 1,670 Naira and sells at 1,680 Naira.
The Black Market operates outside the control or regulation of the government, therefore, it is usually higher than the official rate.
1 USD = 1,670.00 NGN
Amount in USD | Black Market Exchange Rate in Naira |
1 USD to Naira | 1,670 |
5 USD to Naira | 8,350 |
10 USD to Naira | 16,700 |
20 USD to Naira | 33,400 |
50 USD to Naira | 83,500 |
100 USD to Naira | 167,000 |
200 USD to Naira | 334,000 |
300 USD to Naira | 501,000 |
400 USD to Naira | 668,000 |
500 USD to Naira | 835,000 |
600 USD to Naira | 1,002,000 |
800 USD to Naira | 1,336,000 |
1000 USD to Naira | 1,670,000 |
5000 USD to Naira | 8,350,000 |
10000 USD to Naira | 16,700,000 |
Several factors can influence the exchange rate of the Dollar in the black market, such factors include:
If you want to exchange your USD for Naira, it is important to, first of all, locate a trusted and credible dealer to ensure a safe and fair transaction. You can find such persons online, via social media or simply by referral or recommendation by trusted persons.
It is, however, very important to be extremely careful and cautious when carrying out currency exchanges on the Naira black market, considering the high risk of being scammed that is inherent in it. The sector is always prone to scams and fraudulent activities, in order to mitigate these risks, look for dealers with positive reviews or recommendations, and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.
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