The uncovered crime scene photographs of Gypsy Rose outline an overview of how precarious manipulation can turn out to be.
Despite that Dee Dee Blanchard was diagnosed with a mental approach, manipulating her daughter into believing that she was crippled her whole life and controlling her didn’t yield a positive outcome.
Dee Dee Blanchard’s embracing healthy parenting in the public view wasn’t close to the humour she portrayed on her daughter behind people’s watch.
Overall, It was a flair of dark deception, abuse, and murder, covered with dark tales that enumerate the fine print of how far people can go with obsession, manipulation and covering their secrets. Dee Dee Blanchard is a key profile to familial bonds tainted by deceit. Perhaps her approach would result in her untimely death, uncovering shocking secrets.
Navigating through the shocking tale of a parenting relationship that swerved tragic, it’s pivotal we explore through the essential truth uncovered with the crime photographs and scenes of Gypsy Rose and her mother Dee Dee Blanchard, exempted in this article.
Who is Dee Dee Blanchard?
Born on 3rd May 1967 in Chackbay, Louisiana, United States, Claudine “Dee Dee” Blanchard is known famously for her secret after her tragic death.
She was the mother of Gypsy-Rose Blanchard, who planned her tragic death through her boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn.
The 48-year-old woman was found stabbed to death in her Springfield, Missouri, house in June 2015. A thorough investigation would reveal the dark story behind her death.
Prior to her murder, Dee Dee manipulated and forced her daughter into believing to be diagnosed with severe physical and mental disabilities for her selfish financial and social gains.
Early life
Born as Claudine Pitre and Nicknamed Dee Dee, she was welcomed to birth by her parents Claude and Emma Pitre who were primarily of French Canadian descent living in Chackbay, Louisiana, near the Gulf Coast, where she grew up and surpassed her childhood.

Courtesy Marsha Smith
Growing up, Dee Dee was claimed to have recorded a crime habit of stealing from her family attributed to retaliation when “things didn’t go her way”.
After her mother’s death, she was suspected of negligence, following the creepy view of her mother’s death in 1997. They believed she starved her to death.
Following the toll of her career as an adult, she worked as a nurse’s aide before meeting Rod Blanchard in a bowling Alley bar at 17; advanced to 23, and they started dating, yielding a marital union. They tied the knot on 27th December 1990.
Marital dissolution would occur before the birth of their child, Gypsy, in 1991.
Blanchard grumbled that Dee Dee wasn’t meant for him, sparking what would go down to be the most discussed mother-to-daughter parental manipulation. Gypsy was left under the care of her mother who went back to live with her family alongside Gypsy.
Dee Dee Blanchard’s parental relationship with daughter, Gypsy
The relationship that would grow to become a haunted one began with Dee Dee Blanchard’s manipulative contempt.
When Gypsy was three months old, Dee Dee convinced self that she had sleep apnea __ a syndrome that revolts with breathing complication mainly during sleeping. Dee Dee would repeatedly take Gypsy to the hospital. Following several diagnoses, the hospital couldn’t find any match to Dee Dee’s claim. Moreover, she didn’t back down, exaggerating more ailment impended on her daughter, including wide range of health issues, attributed to unknown chromosomal disorder and muscular dystrophy which made her use a walker.

While she was 7, Dee Dee also convinced her to use a wheelchair after she had suffered an abrasion on her knee from riding her Grandfather’s bike. Dee Dee’s manipulation escalated to the point where she believed that she is crippled, bounded with other disorders.
Other life traumas came through until her second grade when she was withdrawn from school. This time, Dee Dee gained full access to incredibly brainwash Gypsy. The young lady was homeschooled by her mother, however, she managed to read and learn from Harry Potter’s book.
After moving to the New Orleans suburb of Slidell, Dee Dee continued with her manipulation, taking Gypsy to several hospitals and claiming she had seizures all night.
They became a subject of sympathy which her mother wanted. They were funded by the public, generating incredible income for their false condition.

Courtesy Marsha Smith
Dee Dee Blanchard was physically harsh on Gypsy, abusing and manipulating her to fit in her gains. This featured inducted several health forces on Gypsy, including, having to shave her hair to induce her as a chemotherapy patient. Dee would often cover Gypsy baldness with wigs, blending in with the public and also gaining the public sympathy to improve her finance.
Dee Dee implored in every possible effort to blend Gypsy to her motives, feeding her with the children’s liquid nutrition supplement PediaSure well until she turned twenty. Most of her medication bound for the cure of her perpetuated diseases affected Gypsy’s dental rigidity, causing most of her frontal teeth to fall off which were eventually replaced by a bridge. Gypsy is often abused by her mother physically behind the public eye, and each time, she was close to revealing the abuse she experiences at home to the media.
Her mother was perfect at artificially inducing dental trauma. Each time physicians visited, she would forcefully put Gypsy on organic medication and drugs to align with her manipulation and public narratives. This attracted addiction and ear infection to Gypsy.
Who is Gypsy Rose?
Gypsy Rose Alcida Blanchard Anderson Blanchared who is shortly known as Gypsy Rose was born on 27th July, 1991, to American parents who divorced at her early age. Placed on child support, Dee Dee Blanchard, her mother manipulated and monetized her childhood.
From the peak her mother Dee Dee Blanchard attained full access for Gypsy’s upbringing, she took full advantage of her, dining in emotional and physical abuse, implored through convincing and forcing her to act to her intrusive ailments. She asserted that Gypsy suffered multiple illness covering mental and muscular disorder that revolted her to using a walker.

Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department via AP
Following her minor auto crash that impeded abrasion on her knee, her mother indoctrinated her into believing that she was crippled and needed a wheelchair. From this phase she was manipulated and abused by her mother Dee Dee Blanchard who monetized the situation through public sympathy.
Having carried on with the abuse for years, Gypsy’s natural phenomena acted upon her nerve, exempting her with the verge to attain freedom. She made several efforts to flee her mother’s strict supervision to the point that she was caught on several occasions and punished. Moreover, her link up with her online boyfriend Godejohn would yield her dream tragically.

Around 2011 after she had been chained by her mother and starved for two weeks for flirting with men online, she attempted killing Dee Dee with a fake gun. Contrary to the knowledge of the gun’s authenticity, she shot her 10 times but only left Dee Dee with minor bruises. This sparked more flair to her confidence, which infused after her bond with a mentally challenged Godejohn advanced to the apex.
In 2015, the two who had planned the death of Dee Dee, carried out one of the most advanced killings of the last decade. Godejohn arrived at Dee Dee’s apartment in Springfield while she was asleep and stabbed her 17 times in the back. This was entirely Gypsy’s idea.
They fled the scene and were arrested a few days after the homicide. This introduced Gypsy to prominence after she was arraigned and sentenced, sailing people through her childhood trauma. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison with possible parole. Her story inspired movie series like ‘The Act’, released in 2019 while she was still in jail.
The murder of Dee Dee Blanchard
Gypsy who was no longer a teenager, made attempts to flee her mother’s destitute hostage.
The first attempt transpired in 2011 after she started talking to a man identified as Dan online. Even though there were several stories linked to her relationship with Dan, when Dee Dee Blanchard found out she was talking to a man online, she smashed her computer and phone with a hammer, threatening to do the same to her fingers if she ever attempted to flee home again. She further handcuffed her to the bed and starved her for two weeks.

Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department/AP
This time, inflicted by a phobia of her mother, Gypsy was convinced that she couldn’t exit her mother hostage again, so she swerved to contemplating dark humour.
Forward to June 2011, Gypsy tried to kill her mother with a BB gun, without the knowledge of its authentic feature. She shot her mom 10 times, which eventually implored minor bruises to Dee Dee, she claimed was a result of a robbery attempt when the public inquired about what happened.
Around this time, Gypsy has gained her ground with her tricks, using her mother’s gadgets to vent through social media when she is asleep. This was when she met Nicholas Godejohn, from Big Bend, Wisconsin, in 2012. Nicholas was reported to have a history of mental illness.
The two met on a Christian singles website, where they held on with a strong online bond till 2015 when they finally linked up physically.
During a movie theatre night, where Dee Dee Blanchard and Gypsy had gone to see Cinderella 2015, Godejohn, who has been dupped by Gypsy to meet her mother in Springfield, perfected his plan and was introduced to Dee Dee Blanchard Gypsy. A few minutes later, the two linked up in the theatre’s bathroom and had sex after Gypsy had convinced her mother she wanted to use the restroom.
From the experience, they continued with their online conversation and kicked in with their plan to kill Dee Dee Blanchard.
The murder
In June 2015, GodeJohn who boarded a bus back to Springfield with the stolen money mailed to him by Gypsy, stormed Dee Dee Blanchard’s apartment and exhibited a murder crime he had planned with Gypsy.
When he arrived at the house, Dee Dee Blanchard was asleep. Gypsy accessed him through, providing him with duct tape, gloves, and a knife, which he used to perform the murder.
While GodeJohn headed to Dee Dee’s room, Gypsy hid in the bathroom and covered her ears with her hand, with the motive to resist her mother’s scream. Dee Dee did scream her name while she was being stabbed multiple times. She was stabbed 17 times at the back, leaving her to struggle to death.
This moment, the two loverbirds indulged in a sexual intimacy at Gypsy’s room before fleeing to find cover and desist suspect. As per their interrogation, Gypsy claimed that GodeJohn raped her.
Detention, arraignment and sentencing
Following the view of the facebook cryptic posts announcing the death of Dee Dee Blanchard, concerned friends, reached out to her, resulting in involving the Police who attained a search warrant to discover the dead body of Dee Dee Blanchard.
Verge for information through an advanced investigation helped the police to track down Gypsy and her boyfriend, Godejohn through an IP address. They were detained and interrogated, leading to several shocking revelations.

During the interrogation, Godejohn was more polite than Gypsy who was manipulative until she confessed to the death of Dee Dee Blanchard. Surpassing several trials and arraignments, the final judgement was met. Gypsy was found guilty of a second degree murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison with possible parole while Godejohn was found guilty of a first degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without parole, bagging an additional 25 years for armed criminal action.
In the prison, Gypsy indulged in an affectionate bond with a fellow inmate identified as Ken Urker before breaking up to link up with another man who would become her husband, Ryan Anderson. They tied the knot in the prison on July 22 with no guest invited.
Her marriage with Ryan Anderson experienced dissolution, reviving her relationship with Ken Urker, who will take responsibility for becoming the father of her first child. She will be welcoming her first child in 2025.
Where is Gypsy Rose?
After serving a tally of 8 years from her 10 years sentence, Gypsy kicked in with her official career, announcing her e-book, Conversations on The Eve of Freedom, which she released in January 2024. She granted several interviews before backing off to find her true purpose.